Top 9 Signs I’m a Conservative in Liberal Portland

Portland, Oregon is a notoriously liberal city, in culture, policy, attitude, pretty much you name it.  It’s also my hometown.  I’ve lived here most of my life and I’ve owned and operated a small business here for the last 13 years.  I’ve also been raised as a conservative, by a traditional, nuclear family.  I was taught to know the history of the United States of America, to recognize all of it’s unmatched successes in providing freedom and opportunity, and to truthfully admit that making any fundamental changes to any of it would be grossly counter-productive.  I mean, in baseball you don’t break up a team that wins 100 games each and every year do you?  However, all of this makes me a square peg trying to live in the round hole that is Portland.  In my normal, day-to-day activity, there is no one else around me who shares my views on culture and politics.  All of my liberal friends are typical in that they’re very good at telling me what they don’t have and who’s fault it is.  So, I smile (at best) when I hear such things and remember that I’m a loner and a novelty to those who have learned what I’m about.  But being in this minority is something I wouldn’t change.  It’s provided great perspective and enhanced my convictions.

So, below are the top 9 reasons I’m the square peg in Portland.  9 is a weird number for a list, but then Portland is a weird city.

#9:  I volunteer one hour a week at a local grade school.  So many around me lament, every year, how our public schools are starving for funds.  No one seems to do anything about it other than say that I should be paying more taxes.  They can’t be bothered themselves, but they’re certainly capable of wanting to be generous with other people’s money.

#8:  I don’t participate in political protests.  However, I did attend two different anti-war rallies several years ago.  I wanted first hand experience.  I saw President Bush burned in effigy.  The lesbian couple directly in front of me knelt down to tell who I assumed was their little girl that her President was a murderer and that she should be frightened of him.  But then I also saw a clever young man walking around without a shirt, holding an unmarked bucket asking for cash donations to help end the war.  Pockets and purses were reached for and I had to laugh.  It is indeed true what they say about fools and their money.

#7:  I understand the fundamentals of business and economics.  There is money that comes in, and there is money that goes out.  I know which one of those figures needs to be greater.  The city of Portland, many of its residents, and our current federal government for that matter, needs to figure that out.

#6:  I work too much to always be hanging out in coffee shops.  It’s no secret that 40% of America pays no income tax.  I’m part of the unlucky 60%.  And the same Portlanders that I see every day sitting in the same shops reading their books seem uneasy when they realize that they’ve become familiar to me.  They remember that I saw them in the same spot yesterday, and likely the day before.  That’s when eye contact becomes less and less frequent.

Portland, as seen from the Rose Garden.

Beautiful and liberal, Portland, Oregon

#5:  I’m news savvy and skeptical of the media that delivers it to me.  Finding in-depth conversation on current events is difficult, and I even work in a very social atmosphere.  When I search, most folks tell me about something they heard from a friend or saw on Jon Stewart.  But regardless, I can count on hearing things like it’s Bush’s fault, Texas sucks, and rich people are screwing up the works.  (Note:  In this context, “rich” is a term used to describe anyone who makes more money than the person using that term.)

#4:  I’m not an artist.  This is not by choice, however.  I was just born without artistic talent.  But everyone else in Portland seems to be and none of them can seem to understand why the photo they took or the sculpture they made or the painting they painted isn’t selling for the $200 they’re asking.  The concepts of disposable income during a recession, and prioritizing when funds are not unlimited, seems to be lost on them.

#3:  I did not vote for Barack Obama.  When I walked into my establishment that November night of 2008, I was quite literally the only person who couldn’t muster a high five or celebratory hug.  I was a buzz kill.

#2:  I did vote for George Bush.  One day after the 2004 election I saw a group of three that I’d never seen before enter the front door of my business.  They found someone they knew, who knew me, and that person pointed directly at me.  When they made their way over, one of them asked me, “are you that guy who voted for Bush?!”.  As if an entire voting block consisted of just me.  Which I guess is possible in this town.

#1:  I was born into a loving family and my parents are still together.  It’s flat out flabbergasting how everyone around me either never knew their dad, or have parents who hate each other, or have siblings in prison, or who were horribly abused by their fathers, or just plain don’t want to have anything to do with their families.  But all of those people have street cred, that’s for sure!

Maybe all of this is just complaining.  After all, Portland is a beautiful city.  I don’t envision me ever leaving it.  But how a stereotypically normal, everyday, traditional American kid like me can be so alien in his home city will forever perplex me.  But hell, it sure keeps me on my toes.

About Carl Incognito

Conservatives in liberal places are often in the shadows. Conservatives seeking jobs in liberal places depend on them.

Posted on August 9, 2011, in economy, family, politics, portland, small business, Top 10 and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 41 Comments.

  1. I am 55 yrs old Trump loving libertarian/Republican- can I be a hybrid-I moved up here 3 years ago and find it hard to meet people who are not off their rockers with Trump derangement syndrome-can you point in the right direction to join like minded people- my wife and I would love

    • Hello sir. Thank you for reaching out. And welcome to Portland. I’m sorry to say I have no suggestions for you. I personally have known nothing else but my conservative solitude. All my closest friends and even my wife are all progressives. I’ve gotten so used to it that I don’t even seek out like minded folks anymore.

      And I would encourage you to embrace your minority status. Group think is dangerous. I myself often find other, louder conservatives to be off-putting when I meet them. Perhaps because they feel like they have to be louder and fight harder because conservatism is such a target.

      Let those around you prove our point for us. It’s hard, but I know it will work out in the end.

      And wait! I just thought of the University of Portland. I went to grad school there and you may find some groups affiliated that suit you. Worth a look.

      Hope that helps. Thanks again for your attention and inquiry.

  2. Marie nylander

    You are a breath of conservative fresh air in a city of liberal pollution. Would you like to text a grandma who remembers the “good life”. I solidly agree with everything you say.

    • Thank you for reading Marie. I neglect this blog and I’m not proud of that, especially when I know that it speaks to some good people. I appreciate the inspiration. Keep your head up above the pollution.

  3. Jacque Coleman

    I LOVE your post!!! Thank you, thank you so much for being brave enough to announce your political position in a place that so clearly silences and discourages it. I am an educator in Hillsboro, OR, and I feel entirely isolated and silenced. I have experienced multiple educational trainings where I have been required to reveal and denounce my “white prejudice” and “micro-aggressions.” I can barely tolerate these trainings – which I am contactually required to attend or face termination. My heart is raging and I am ready to burst. Thank you for your honesty. I would love to be a part of any meetings you hold. Again, thank you for providing me a life-line.

    • Perhaps I need to quit neglecting this damned blog so much. Thank you for your kind words. You’re in a very unique position as an educator around here that resists the indoctrination of the left. You’ve got it tougher than I do for sure. Perhaps you should find a way to vent. Start a blog under a pen name. At any rate, you’ll need to tread lightly in the classroom but I know you’ll get a chance to enlighten a young mind or two who sense the school status quo is just not right. Thank you for your kind words. I do appreciate it.

    • Jacque, I feel the same heartbreak, with a child in Portland Public Schools, which is ground zero. I can’t imagine being an educator in the midst of this. I’ve been looking for like-minded parents to connect with, but having a tough time because people are afraid to speak up. Please feel free to PM me.

  4. As a visitor from Texas I wondered what it might be like to live in such a liberal city. My hats off to you! You can be openly anything but conservative. Liberal prejudice is a major detractor and one that might catch up with tax payers sooner rather than later.

  5. Matthew Brown

    You really make a lot of sense, I have been trying to live here the three years, after receiving a medical retirement from the Army, from wounds I suffered in combat ops Afghanistan. I have a family that I became a part of when I moved here and the two kids both dad’s dipped and wanted nothing to do with the kids. So we had another kid my biological son. So I have a big beautiful family and I am not leaving Portland because this is their home and now mine. That being said I have had a very difficult time dealing with a big demographic of people that is Portland. I feel like you said a square trying to force into a round hole. I have been spit on and had to fight two different groups fist mace and feet I was out number each time and it all started because of their ignorance to the world. the Hippocrates that just spue bullshit that are nothing more than opinion, based on loose fact if fact at all. It seems like everyone is on meth and heroin. Really I’m looking to buy a house for my family but really don’t know where to move. I don’t even talk to people anymore when I used to be Texas friendly. The people are really friendly in Texas. I have become seriously jaded to all of the super liberal, drug addicted, uneducated know it alls, that I could scream. Your not alone brother. Take care

    • Sir, my apologies for such a delay. I neglect this blog and I really shouldn’t. Thank you sincerely for your service to our country. And I hope things have quieted down for you a bit lately. We can all find a way to fit in if we try hard enough. Best of luck.

  6. Portland is my home as well. I completely identify and agree with your post. It was a refreshing and honest look into our city. Although, I’m sure the liberals who read this would consider it hate speech. They’re as loving and accepting as they are close minded and xenophobic. Anyways, keep up the good work. 😉

  7. Just read this for the second time and still can relate to it. Having just moved here this summer I can completely relate to you. What business do you own so I can support you? Thanks for being out there.

    • Hi Sharon. Thanks so much for reading that post, again. I haven’t tended to this little blog in way too long but it’s nice to know folks like you stumble upon it sometimes. Welcome to Portland!

      As for my business, I’m happy to say that after over 18 years, I sold it as of Feb 1st. I’m in decompressing mode now. But if you like a privately owned little spot, 21st Ave Bar & Grill in NW Portland would appreciate your visit. My old staff is still all there and the new owners are fantastic, and making positive changes all the time. In the summer time, there is a beautiful outdoor patio that you’ll love. Great food to, if I may brag.

      I’ll point everyone I can in that direction. My (old) staff is just like family and I want them to thrive under the new ownership. The deserve it. They carried me for 18 years.


      • Matt, thanks for the reply. I’ll check out the bar. Don’t stop writing and blogging, good luck to you in the future.

      • Funny how encouragement from a total stranger is still so effective. Thank you Sharon. I appreciate your time and thoughtfulness. My best to you and yours.

      • Hi, Matt, and thanks so much for your thoughtful blog. I’ve tried to respond a couple of times but got stuck in “awaiting moderation” limbo. So I’m trying under my Facebook profile. I also wanted to respond to Deborah about a coffee meetup, and invite her & others to PM me as I love the idea. Thanks again!

    • Deborah Beebedeb

      Yes we conservatives are out here and we are lonely! Anyone up for a coffee meet?

  8. 🙌🏻 oh my goodness this article is a breath of fresh air! I’m also Portlandia conservative and it’s nice to read there are more of us out there!!

    • Thanks for reading Jessica. I haven’t tended to this in a very long time and you’re adding to my inspiration to start up again.

      I’m here, too! You’re not alone. Keep your dignity. And the faith.


  9. I would love to patronize your business if you would give the information. I have also felt alone in Multnomah County and would love to meet other conservatives living in Portland. It’s lonely out here for us.

    • Thanks Deb. That’s nice of you to offer and we are alone in Mult Co. But that makes us unique and worthy of the pride I hope you feel along with me.

      As for my business, I’m happy and sad to announce that I sold in this month after over 18 years. But my staff is still there and the new ownership is fantastic. 21st Ave Bar & Grill in NW Portland was my spot, and still is. Summertime reveals a beautiful patio and the food is fantastic. I love my old employees like family and want them to continue to thrive. Check it out.

      And keep the faith.


      • Matt, I love that you go to pains to point out that you support your neighbors and business associates. Because it isn’t really about politics, is it? It’s about being a decent person.

        But when a place develops groupthink, it can do ugly things to otherwise decent people. I think what can make Portland so lonely is that there isn’t a lot of realization that one’s decency as a human being does not equate to one’s political orientation. I do have a few liberal friends here who understand that dichotomy, and with whom I can have an enlightening two-way conversation about politics. But it’s a rarity. But I encounter so very, very many who have come here with the deliberate intention of being in a place where they do not have to face differing opinions–people who have a stereotypical notion of what “kind of people” live in Portland, and have chosen to move here in order to be around people who think correctly because they’re “just like” them.

        And, so, the fellow parade attendee whom I overheard telling her child “say goodbye to Grandma, honey, because literally the secret police are going to take Grandma away now that Trump is president.” And the large group of neighbors who surrounded me and my young daughter and wouldn’t let us go because I had responded incorrectly to their (rather rude) demand to know how I’d voted on a tax measure–leaving my kid afraid of walking in the neighborhood for several weeks afterward. And the parent of my kids’ school friend who spoke of inviting the neighborhood kids to her house (my kid wasn’t invited, fortunately), kneeling before them, weeping, and apologizing to them for having failed to prevent the “end of the world.” And accusing me of “literally” being a threat to her “queer daughter’s” life (the kid was 12 and this was the first anyone had heard the word queer mentioned relating to her; wo the mom outed her kid to make a political point!) because I publicly posted that I would not defriend people based on how they voted.

        Even one of my more open-minded friends reacted with complete, bug-eyed shock when I mentioned that I’d had a conference with the middle school’s social studies teacher over concerns I had about the academic rigor of the Howard Zinn book he’d decided to use as the primary text for the class. “What could you possibly not like about Howard Zinn?!?!?!” It wasn’t even that she was offended or coercive; rather she seemed never to have encountered, or indeed fathomed the existence of, another person who didn’t worship the same hero as she did. And when I tried to discuss, very gingerly, that even many liberals (at Stanford, no less), have bones to pick with Zinn’s scholarship, she became uncomfortable and changed the subject. This is, as I’ve said, one of my most open-minded and comfortable friendships with a liberal, and yet we could not have a basic conversation about a major school district development that completely changed the character and quality of our children’s education. Some day, I would like to have that conversation with another PPS parent. Is that unrealistic? God, I hope not.

        I was once canvassing to alert people to a community issue that threatened a local landmark and would cost many millions of dollars in complete government waste. I’m not a canvasser by nature, so if anyone indicated they weren’t interested I respected that and apologized for bothering them. One guy started yelling as soon as I got the introduction out of my mouth, so I started to walk away, and he was confused. “Why are you walking away?” He explained that he wasn’t mad at me; he was mad at the City. And he was especially mad because he couldn’t figure out why it happened. “I mean, I carefully chose this city when I moved from Chicago,” he said. “It’s a progressive city with an entirely progressive city government in a Democrat state,” he continued. “So, I ask you, how is it possible that they’re doing this stupid thing?!?!?” I started to explain, and he stopped me. “And DON’T tell me it’s about corruption!!!!!! Because in such a stolidly progressive place I know it can’t be about corruption.” So I said, “well, then I can’t tell you why it happened.” And thanked him for his time and left. That’s one vignette, but it encapsulates the daily experience of living here. As I’ve said, it’s not just the politics; it’s the groupthink. The preponderance of individuals who assume, or even *know*, that you obviously think just like they do, because there is only one way to think.

        I don’t mean to suggest that only liberals can behave that way, by a longshot. I grew up in a small town in Southern Oregon and experienced the other side of that coin in high school. In 1980. But this is now, and this is Portland. There is only one direction that the cringeworthiness is going here, and it’s going as though it were being sucked by a black hole.

        I’ve lived my whole adult life in Portland, my family is settled here, and I truly believe my small group of moderate, indie, conservative friends are not the only ones. It’s just that it’s gotten so dangerous for us to be open about it. For awhile I tried to be silent, to talk about the weather, but that got old; especially since no one here lets you go by without reminding you that The Country Has Literally Been Taken Over By Nazis!So I guess I don’t care any more. If it makes you feel superior to think that my fiscally conservative-ish libertarian-ish views on taxation and my dislike of classroom socialist indoctrination make me a Literal Nazi, then be my guest. Enjoy ranting like a toddler in the streets and smashing windows and pretending that your ski mask makes you a warrior. And enjoy the rude awakening when, some day, you end up in a setting where everyone doesn’t think exactly like you, and echo your exact thoughts, and encourage your every opinion. Some day, someone somewhere won’t be impressed or intimidated by your virtue signalling. Then, perhaps you will have to *gasp* have a real conversation with someone who doesn’t think like you.

        And yet I hate feeling that way. It’s soul crushing. And the kids? Oh, Chr*st, what’s going on in the schools? I watch my kid and her friends. They are smart and independent minded and skeptical and questioning, and it’s being crushed out of them. By professionals who darned well know better, but who’ve decided for political expediency (and Portland School Board dictate) that science = certainty, and that doubt and questions are to be silenced and ridiculed.

        It’s sad. It’s frightening. And it’s a good reason to remain silent no longer.

      • Insightful, honest, well written, and accurate. I’m humbled Katherin. Others need to read this.

    • I think there’s probably more of us than we realize, we just tend to keep our thoughts to ourselves in public places. I started looking around for meetups for like minded people. They’re few and far between but like Matt said, keep the faith 🙂

      I work about six blocks from the 21st Ave grill Matt, I’ll have to swing down and have lunch there sometimes.

      • Thanks for checking in, AJ. I hope you’re right about that.

        And as of Feb 1st I no longer own 21st Ave Bar & Grill. An 18 year tenure is now over. But I’m still in weekly at least and the new owners are just fantastic. Give them a try. I couldn’t be prouder of them.

  10. Love from Nebraska! You’re great.

  11. Michael D Hallas

    I wonder if you’re still here and still think the way you do. I stumbled across this looking for ways my conservative mother can make some new friends who won’t make her feel bad about her views. But I had some other observations:

    1. My parents did divorce when I was young but I have a great relationship with both my socialist feminist carpenter Dad, who pays taxes, and my conservative mom who also pays her taxes.

    2. I’m not an artist, but boy life would be pretty boring without good art or folks who’d appreciate it.

    3. My wife and I paid over 30k in state and federal taxes last year, and I don’t think it’s unwise to question where that money goes and demand that people as lucky as we are and those who have way more pay to help those less fortunate than us. In my view because I get more from the economy I should bear more of the burden. It helps me when other citizens can afford to live here, use the roads when delivering my stuff, can do math and critical analysis when I deal with them in public, and so that people working FT have hope and a way to a better future so my daughter doesn’t only have upper middle-class kids.

    Seriously, most of the money generated in the State of Oregon is generated in the tri-county area, presumably by liberal business owners or under the leadership of liberal executives. How does knowing about business differentiate conservatives from liberals. In America the idea of liberal comes from those who believe that society through the welfare state–actually a wildly efficient provider of help–needs to help ameliorate the social problems that the losers in a capitalist economy suffer. That really doesn’t seem so bad to me.

    3. If you think our foreign policy sucks and the policies put forth by the executive are causing unwarranted suffering in the world, why not criticize the executive, or legislature that made policy, or the judiciary’s views that seem to support injustice. The most patriotic thing I can imagine is showing kids that the right to protest and criticize government should be exercised in a free and democratic society. Not all liberals burn Presidents in effigy, no more than all conservatives promote racist birther conspiracies or stress “Hussain” in speaking the President’s name.

    Glad you like it here and prevent it from being an echo chamber. If America is to survive we need to hear from each other and listen to each other.

    • Hello Michael. I just stumbled upon your note to me and realized I didn’t respond to you. I’m sorry, but I appreciate you reading this long neglected blog of mine.

      Your thoughtful response is more than I can thoroughly address right now, but perhaps I can summarize a main point, family and art appreciation aside. I reject the notion of the welfare state being a wildly efficient provider of help. See Europe. I view it more of a bureaucratic behemoth that, in lieu of producing anything, exists to support the growing government class that are it’s employees while becoming a final enabler of those who feel entitled for being born. It is not the government’s job to employ, and it certainly isn’t their job to redistribute wealth in America. Yet, such action goes forward under the guise of “sympathy” and “compassion” because most folks fear being viewed as standing contrary to those basic human cornerstones. All around my business I see everyday people who voluntarily abandon personal responsibility and subsist on the welfare system because it’s easy to do so. Those folks may not share your work ethic but I assure you they share your political attitude. So the ship takes on more water and fewer and fewer are doing the bailing.

      The American liberal believes that America is fundamentally flawed because some are more successful than others and we have enemies abroad. That’s why they say the want change. Liberalism fools the general public by hijacking words like the ones above, as well as “tolerance” and “equality”, and weaponizing “racist”. But in the end, it’s a small group of social elites who are pulling these strings because they believe their degrees and social status make them qualified to make decisions for the masses, and often allow them to live by separate rules than the ones they impose. The wolf probably resents having to dress in the sheep’s clothing but has gotten pretty damned good at putting it on.

      If every liberal paid $30k in taxes every year, my attitude would be different. But they don’t. So the balance is made up by people who would prefer their money stays within their families and charities of their choosing rather than the beggar on the corner with a cell phone and the Oregon Trail card who could go home but won’t.

      Thank you for reading and for your response. I’m sorry I didn’t give you the attention you deserved sooner. Life can get busy as you know.


  12. This is a great list – I could have written it myself!

  13. We have much in common, just not #1.

  14. The difference between you and an american is you don’t see the mistakes of BOTH SIDES OF POLITICS. I wouldn’t vote for Obama if it was a choice between him and a Columbian drug lord. But Bush wasn’t much better. He attacked SADAM because he was bragging that he had MISSILES that could reach ISRAEL. And look at the outcome–WHEN HE DID NOT even have the missiles. WE ARE STILL PAYING FOR IT.

  15. oregon atty general
    oregon dept. of justice
    1162 court st. ne
    salem or 97301-4096

    the oregon state police are using dentists to implant harmful electronic neural microchips into citizens without their knowledge or consent.
    you have removed my privacy rights within my residence without due process of law. you have denied me the ability to pursue a confidential legal counsel because the neural implant transmits to the oregan state police any signals my optical and audio nerves generate.
    the oregon state police has been engaged in a gradual process of damaging my health to the point of death.
    i will not stop telling others about this until the oregon state police have killed me.
    {i sent this letter on 4/23/14 certified return receipt #70121640000029590059.}
    the dentist that injected the implant throught my mouth wthout my knowledge or consent: dr. merzenich, gental dental, 4392 liberty rd. s, salem, or 97302. the dentist that injected implant into mouth of my wife: dr. fattah, 1296 commercial st. se, salem, oregon 97302. i saw an eye doc within days after my visit to dr merzenich to diagnose and treat an eye injury that resulted from the implant being connected to the optical nerve for that eye: marcus east, medical ctr. eye clinic, 655 medical ctr. dr. ne, salem or 97301.
    the oregon state police will use equipment to defeat your motion detecting lights and security cameras so they can approach your house undetected to upload new programming to the implant. i have an mp4 that shows an example of this in broad daylight. oregon state police installed a parabolic dish on neighbors property they use to torture me day and night: stephen and susan allen, 4432 s. immonen rd., lincoln city, or 97367. my brother tells me you may be able to see the dish from google earth. email me a request to see it and i ll foward access to the cloud server.
    my email is
    i also have a hardcopy pcket that includes the atty gen letter plus letters sent to oregon state police superintendent richard evans jr., oregon dental board and the fbi. provide an address and i ll mail it.
    The above organizations appear to sanction the practice of invading a person’s body by implanting in the head neural microchips that will be used to terrorize, injure health and worse. It is interesting Oregon statutes address microchips in pets but no law regulating brain implants in humans. Oregon govt can torture citizens without impunity. IF YOU DON’T RESPOND, THEN YOU SANCTION IT AND IT MAY BECOME YOUR FATE SOON.
    charles adams
    4506 s. immonen rd.
    lincoln city or 97367

  16. Thanks Matt, I have been doing some research into neighborhoods/ areas to find more conservative leaning ones.

    The severed ties were with far, far left progressives who until our current president came to be in office showed absolutely no indication of such leanings. People that could not even meet to have a single cocktail without flaring at us, using terrible language and unbelievable insults. There was never a chance to even get a word in edgewise so we usually just sat there waiting for the string of expletives, insults and rhetoric to end. The relationships could probably be described as abusive if one were to overhear them. We’re not too terribly sensitive until the name calling becomes abusive. We both lean more towards fiscally responsible Libertarian than anything else and they were aware of our positions as we have never presented ourselves as anything different. As you do, we typically choose our battles carefully and with confidence knowing that small government, fiscal responsibility and capitalism made America great. Tried and proven over and over again. I just don’t want to leave our life and enter one of hostility and nastiness. We’ve experienced that with our old “friends” on a less constant basis. But we could walk away from that and not have it adversely effect our lives. Surrounding ourselves with that hatred on a day in day out basis would be challenging to say the least. I don’t know that I would want to expose any of us to that. However, I glean from what you said that it would not be like that. Which is comforting.

    I appreciate your time. If you have any suggestions on areas that we may want to look into please let me know.

    • Hello Mam. I’ve long neglected this blog of mine but while looking for some inspiration I came across this exchange between the two of us a few years back.

      Did you make your move? Are you in Portland? If so, I hope you’re enjoying it and that your apprehensions from earlier are long faded.

      Best of luck to you and yours.


  17. Would like to hear your wisdom- I am a staunch conservative Catholic raising children in a nuclear family as a stay at home mom. Not 5 minutes ago was informed we may have the opportunity to move to Portland for a job- one that would increase career and salary for my husband. Could we as lifetime NRA members, whose children hunt, fish and believe in freedom survive there? I can’t even handle my lifelong friends who have become liberal. We have severed ties with many of the over the top left wing nuts. I am afraid it will be a constant struggle to make friends and continue to instill our values in our children. Thoughts??

    • Hello there. I appreciate you taking the time to read this blog of mine that I’ve neglected for way too long. And I don’t know how much wisdom I may offer, but I can offer experience about Portland.
      My first thought is: you will be just fine should you make the move. Despite the differences you and I have with the political atmosphere of Portland, it is a beautiful city, perfect size, and diverse enough for us to find our niche. If my parents and their friends do it, then you can too. Remember, Portland is different from the rest of the state. Outside the Willamette valley, the attitudes shift and NRA members who hunt and worship God and their own nuclear families are the norm.
      My second thought is: although I don’t know just how far left your friends that you severed ties with moved, I suggest that you perhaps dial down the sensitivity and carry more of a quiet confidence with you. We as conservatives simply carry on ideals that have worked with glorious success since our country’s founding. Those that oppose us cannot win in with their ideas, so they resort to arguing, high-jacking and perverting words like “fairness”, “equality”, and “tolerance”, and vilifying anyone who questions their thinking. It took me a very long time to learn that I must chose my arguments and battles carefully but to always carry myself with the confidence of knowing that I am secure in my beliefs because by beliefs have a proven track record.
      Remember, Portland is still America, even if it wants to be Europe. If you move here, you will have every chance in the world to raise your children the proper way, maintain your lifestyle, and be happy. You may even find yourselves becoming role models and sources of inspiration. The culture of liberalism here has left many without foundation and seeking a better way. I always try to accommodate those who want help or advice and do so without invoking that it was their politics of the politics of those around them that put them in their state of confusion. The human experience is encapsulated and nurtured by American conservatism, even better so when words like liberal or conservative aren’t employed.
      Good luck to you, ma’am. Thanks again for reaching out. If you do make the move, please let me know on this page. I’d be very interested.


  18. Fear not. You are sane, and not alone. We, red blooded Americans, who love America, will save it, with help from above. Have a wonderful day. Keep the faith.

  19. Wow…. I say this from a completely objective standpoint: I have NEVER read a rant with such a pretentious little shit undertone in my life…. But, that may be because I grew up in a single family and don’t know how to read.

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